Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day #11, in honor of Z

Free verse, in memory of Zachary Bolton and so many other tiny souls. What special babies and what special mother's to share these little one's with us. At least for me, I know my heart is a trillion times bigger because of it, in that good but hurty way. You have all of my admiration.

A to Z
Z is a letter at the end
of the alphabet
but it sits
in front of one mother's heart.
And on her table is the 
Z that always reminds
me of love's hidden strings
and the missing pearls
that gleamed the brightest.
That held the most hope
but rolled away from our present
and I think of "the Gate",
the pearly one
and of loss and grief
and hope and eternity.
And a chance to shake off the cloak of grief
to embrace a new reality
where every smallest pearl that seemed lost
greets us at the door
and we know joy
and forget the sadness
for we can see
the whole of His creation
from A to Z.